12 Most Popular Cat Breeds in Singapore (Cat Types)

12 Most Popular Cat Breeds in Singapore (Cat Types)

Need a fluffy ball that meows and purrs lovingly? If yes, cats are the best choice for you as they are easy to maintain and require less attention than dogs!

In this article, we will discuss the 12 most popular cat breeds in Singapore. For every person, there is a cat breed that suits your lifestyle and personality. Let's get started and find out if your compatible breed has made the list.

Felines are becoming a popular choice for a house pet in Singapore households, due to their compact sizes and playful character. However, every cat breed has its unique temperament, strengths and quirks. Here is a rundown of each one of them. 

Maine Coon

Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels

Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels

Maine Coon is an American breed that has been around for a long time. Their lifespan is 10 to 13 years, maybe more, and they weigh around 10kg.

This cat is known for its luxuriously long coat, ears, and large-boned body. They are loyal, friendly, and playful. Also known as "gentle giants" and "dogs of the world," they get along well with children and other animals, including dogs.

Maine Coons are available in various colors, including black, cream, and white. Moreover, they trill or chirp instead of meow. A trill indicates happiness and contentment. When stalking their prey, Maine Coons tend to chirp. Unlike the other breeds on this list, the Maine Coon is not afraid of water because of their water-resistant fur.

Price: S$1,000 - S$2,700

British Shorthair

Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska from Pexels

Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska from Pexels

British Shorthair is a breed that originated in the United Kingdom. They can live for 14 to 20 years and weigh approximately 5kg. A British Shorthair is a pedigree version of the typical British domestic cat, defined by its body shape, dense coat, sharp triangle ears, and round face.

They are available in various colors and patterns, such as black, gray, blue, white, cream, and gold. These felines are sociable, intelligent, and loving. British Shorthairs do not require much attention to look good, unlike long-haired cats, as they tend to keep themselves clean and tidy. Their short, soft, and dense coat only needs to be brushed once a week to remove dead hair and skin cells.

Price: S$1,100 – S$4,000


Photo by Anas Jawed from Pexels

Photo by Anas Jawed from Pexels

Persians are medium-sized cats from Iran. They have a life expectancy of 12 to 17 years and can weigh up to 5kg.

This cat is well-known for its calmness and "peke face". They have large, expressive eyes and a gentle voice. They seek human interaction and can become depressed if left alone for an extended period. 

Persian cats must also be brushed daily to avoid tangles and mats. Brushing and combing will also remove excess dirt, dead hair, and even cat litter that may have lodged into their fur. Bathing is necessary to keep your Persian’s coat and skin in good condition.

The price range depends on age and/or type of breeds. 
Price: S$650 – S$6500


Toyger Cat

Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding on Unsplash

Toyger is a new breed that originated in the United States. They can live for 10 to 15 years and grow up to 7kg. Despite being a perfectly domesticated cat, Toygers have a wild tiger-like appearance. The Toyger is a crossbreed, like the Bengal, Savannah, and California spangle (which is nearly extinct).

It is best to keep your Toyger indoors. This is to avoid illness, fights, predators, and thieves (they are listed as one of the most expensive breeds). Even though they have a tiger-like coat, be ready for heavy shedding sessions. Therefore, try brushing your cat once a week to keep most of its hair under control. 

The Toyger price usually depends on the quality, that is whether it is pure or mixed breed of the cat. The pure breed is usually the more expensive ones. It is often categorized as pet quality, show quality, or breed quality.

Price: S$2,500 - S$12,000


Bengal Cat

Photo by Igor Karimov on Unsplash

Bengals originated in the United States. They have a lifespan of 12 to 16 years, and weigh up to 7kg.

This cat appears to be wild and exotic, and they were designed to resemble leopards. This breed is known for being friendly and loud. Bengals can be spotted or marbled and come in various colors, including brown, chocolate, silver, and snowy white. 

However, this brilliant breed requires much attention as mental stimulation is key to its happiness. It's also a good idea to provide plenty of cat toys and rotate them out every few weeks to keep your cat entertained. 

Bengal kitten prices vary depending on whether they are pure breed or a mix of breeds. It is important to check before purchasing them.

Price: S$650 – S$3,000



Photo by Esteban Chinchilla on Unsplash

The Ragdolls are native to California, U.S.A. This breed has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years and can weigh up to 9kg.

Ragdolls are large, lovable cats that are very patient and gentle. They are distinguished by their distinctive blue eyes and colorpoint coat. This breed is delightful, obedient, and affectionate, making them ideal lap cats! 

Despite their giant size, these cats looooove playing and cuddling with their pet parents. Ragdolls clean themselves very often but it is important that you brush their coat twice a week to prevent shedding and matting.

Price: S$1,600 to S$3,400

Singapura cat 

Singapura Cat

Image source: psychologyjunkie.com

The name Singapura gives us a hint as to where this cat is from - Singapore. This cat has a life expectancy of 9 to 15 years and can weigh up to 4.5kg. The Singapura cat is the smallest domestic cat breed developed in the 1970s. It is a small ball of energy well suited to many different types of loving homes.

This breed doesn't shed but you will need to brush them once every two weeks, trim their nails regularly, and clean their ears occasionally. Also, Singapura cats are highly active and won't need much encouragement to move. Provide climbing cat trees, interactive cat toys, and opportunities for one-on-one play.

Price: S$1,200 – S$2,000


Siamese Cat

Photo by Alex Meier on Unsplash

Siamese cats are one of the oldest cat breeds from Thailand. They can live for 15 to 20 years and weigh up to 6kg.

These cats have long, lean frames and slim, muscular bodies combined with a high contrast colourpoint pattern, making them quite easy to identify. Their coats have darkened masquerade-like fur near the face, ears, legs, and tail, creating the illusion of mystery.

The Siamese cat is super intelligent, friendly, affectionate, low maintenance in terms of grooming and outgoing which makes them an excellent family pet. This breed is very high energy and therefore requires a lot of playtime. You can purchase interactive cat toys, cat trees, and other entertaining toys to keep them occupied. 

Price: S$600 – S$1,500


Muchkin Cat

Photo by Timur M on Unsplash

The Munchkin is a new breed from the United States of America, identified by its extremely short legs. They can live for 12 to 14 years and weigh 4kg.

A genetic mutation causes this breed to have short and stubby legs. This feline comes in a variety of coat colors and patterns. Grooming is required for both short and long-haired Munchkin cats. Munchkin cats are popular among cat lovers due to their sweet personalities, cheekiness, and people-oriented nature. 

Price: S$1,300 – S$2,600


 Siberian Cat

Photo by Mona Magnussen on Unsplash

Siberian cats are native to Russia and have long, lustrous, thick coats. They can live for 8–10 years. Despite their size, they are strong and intelligent yet still gentle and affectionate. They can reach a weight of 9kg.

Their thick coat of long hair is available in a variety of colors, including solid white, black, red, blue, and silver. They are also available in various patterns such as smoke, point, calico, tabby, tortoiseshell, and bicolor. 

Siberian cats' eyes are typically golden, green, or copper, though white Siberian cats may have blue eyes. It's no surprise that these cats shed a lot, but they're also hypoallergenic. This means that the breed produces fewer allergens than other felines, resulting in humans having less allergic reactions to this cat.

Siberians should be brushed at least three times per week to avoid matted coats. They rarely need baths because of their water-resistant triple coat. Aside from brushing, make sure to trim your Siberian's nails regularly. It would help if you also cleaned their ears and eyes often. Additionally, keeping their body moving and mind engaged is just as important as grooming.

Price: S$1,600 - S$3,300

Russian blue 

Russian blue

Photo by Katharina Gloth on Unsplash

Russian Blue cats were bred primarily in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, and they were among the first cats to appear in cat shows. They have a life expectancy of 15–20 years and can weigh up to 5kg.

Russian Blue cats are very loyal to their owners, despite their shyness around newcomers. They are compassionate and enjoy both giving and receiving affection. They will feel neglected if they are not given enough attention, so they are a good choice for someone at home who wants a constant, loving feline companion. These cats don’t need to bathe often. A weekly brushing to keep loose hairs at bay and shed to a minimum will usually be sufficient.

Price: S$500–S$800


Burmese Cat

The Burmese is a stocky, smooth-coated cat from Myanmar and is well-known for their delightful personality and low-maintenance coat. These breeds are agile and athletic, with a lifespan of 12 to 16 years and a weight of up to 4.5kg. They have a way of ruling your home with love, gentleness, and affection. These felines get along with other pets in the house, including dogs! Burmese cats, in general, enjoy following their owners from room to room.

Burmese are easy to groom due to their super short coats and lack of shedding. Brushing and bathing should be minimal, except for a bit of combing during traditional shedding seasons in the spring and fall, which should be done sparingly.

Price: S$800 - S$1,700

The importance of providing the best cat nutrition

Your cat, as a member of the family, deserves the best meals and nutrition. When selecting cat food, make sure it contains all six essential nutrients that cats require such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, minerals, and water.

The first ingredient to consider is "meat." Cats as carnivores need meat protein to thrive. This nutrient is important to build and maintain muscle while giving them energy. Hence, meat as the first ingredient is better compared to food that contains grains as the first ingredient.

Moreover, a raw diet is ideal for your cats. The high-protein and high-moisture content in raw diets are required by your cat. It also contains essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, which help keep your feline body healthy. 

Ingredients in a raw diet are made up of fresh natural resources and do not contain food additives that can harm your felines. If you want to ensure your beloved cat gets all the right nutrition, do try PetCubes Raw Cat Food. It is formulated with a combination of high-quality proteins, organs, omega oils, vitamins, and minerals giving your cat a delicious balanced meal .

For more information on raw cat food, you can read "Raw Feeding Guide For Cats."


Adopting or buying a cat is a big decision, and you should do your research on their breed, lifestyle, costing, nutritional needs, and how to care for them. With this, you can select a suitable breed for you or your family and provide these felines with a forever home!

Reviewed by:

Dr Francis is one of the top wildlife nutritionists in Asia. Originating from Montreal, Canada, he left at 21 to pursue his Masters and subsequently a PhD in wildlife nutrition at Oxford Brookes University. Instead of taking the path of common animal science to learn about farm animals, or through the veterinarian space and taking a certificate in nutrition, he took the road less travelled to dive deep into the world of animal ecology, metabolism and nutrition.